Library of Resources

We know that lack of information is a key barrier in taking a step to prevent child sexual abuse. That's why we've also made available a searchable database of the resources used by our Helpline staff as an additional tool for understanding child sexual abuse and taking actions to prevent it. While we carefully review each resource, inclusion in this library does not mean that we endorse or recommend the resource. Please review any resource carefully for relevance to your own personal situation. 

To find resources, enter the title, a portion of the title or any key word to bring up all relevant resources.

Please note that we are always happy to learn of a new resource for sexual abuse prevention and invite anyone to forward resources to us for review. 

Titlesort descending Description
10 Ways to Teach Children to Speak Up About Sexual Abuse (Child Mind Institute)

Article dispelling myths of who abuses, who gets abused, and how; why any child may be at-risk to be abused, and what every parent should be talking to their children about from a young age -- their body and body safety. 
Tags: Education, Healthy Sexuality, Parenting, Prevention, Child Mind Institute Organization

Resources and help for men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood.
Tags: Adult Survivor, Male Survivor, Recovery, Support Group, Therapy,

About Sex-Specific Treatment (CMRPI)

Article about sex-specific treatment for children, teenagers and adults who are exhibiting warning signs of a sexual behavior problem. 
Tags: Adult At-Risk, Child Pornography, Prevention, Offending, Sex Addiction, Therapy, Treatment, Youth Sexual Behavior Problem, the Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute, CMRPI

Adult Survivors of Child Abuse: Organization

Information, resources, and support for adult survivors of child abuse.
Tags: Self-Help, Support Group, Recovery

Advocates for Youth: Organization

A sex education resource for adolescents, parents, and professionals.
Tags: Healthy Sexuality, Prevention, Advocacy, Training

African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect: Organization

Promotes child rights and safety in Africa through research, advocacy, and assistance to organizations focusing on child abuse and neglect.
Tags: Prevention, Professionals, International

Age of Consent in the United States

Age of consent chart for the 50 states and DC, including provisions.
Tags: Legal, Legislation, Laws

Age of Consent: Fact and Information Page (

An overview of "age of consent," related health and safety concerns, and how to find the age of consent in your country.
Tags: Legal, Advocacy, International, Sex Education, Teens, Teenagers

Al-Anon and Alateen: Organization

Support group for family members of people struggling with alcoholism.
Tags: Addiction, Self-Help, Substance Abuse, 12-step, Al-Anon, Al Anon, Alateen

Alcoholics Anonymous: Organization

Support group for individuals struggling with alcoholism.
Tags: Addiction, Self-Help, Substance Abuse, 12-step, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous

Alliance Anti Trafic: Organization

Combats sexual exploitation, especially sexual abuse, prostitution and trafficking in women and children from Asia.
Tags: Advocacy, Exploitation, International, Traffick, Alliance Anti-Trafic

Amaze: Organization

Amaze is an educational resource tool for both children and teens ages 10-14 about puberty. It helps parents get this important dialogue started with fun and informational videos that tweens can watch on their own time. 
Tags: Caregivers, Healthy Sexuality

American Bar Association (ABA): Organization

Resources for lawyer referrals, legal advocacy and information.
Tags: Advocacy, Children, Victim Assistance, Laws, American Bar Association, ABA

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children: Organization

National organization supporting professionals who serve children and families affected by child maltreatment and violence.
Tags: Child Abuse, Research, Statistics and Facts

ARPAN: Organization

India-based organization for the prevention of child sexual abuse.
Tags: Advocacy, International, Prevention, ARPAN

Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA): Organization

An international organization for the prevention of child sexual abuse through assessment and treatment of adults at risk of abusing.
Tags: Abuser, Counseling, Offender, Professionals, Research, Statistics and Facts, Treatment, Therapy, Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse, ATSA

b4uact: Organization

Non-profit organization trains professionals in the field in how to provide positive therapeutic support to people who are sexually attracted to children and also works to connect minor-attracted individuals (MAPs) with competent, compassionate support. Has a support group available for MAPs as well as a separate group for family and friends of MAPs.
Tags: Adult At Risk, Pedophile, Self-Help, b4uact

Balancing Acts: Keeping Kids Safe in Congregations

Training manual by Reverend Debra W. Haffner on addressing and preventing child sexual abuse in religious institutions including how to deal with an offender choosing to worship at your church or religious institution.
Tags: Community, Congregation, Faith-Based, Prevention, Temple, Unitarian

Bathing Children and Privacy Issues (Andorra Pediatrics)

Article about children and privacy surrounding bathing and showering.
Tags: Parenting, Healthy Sexual Development, Debra W. Haffner

Befrienders Worldwide: Organization

Worldwide resources for suicide counseling and support
Tags: International, Helpline, Hotline, Crisis
