
Why would an adult sexually abuse a child?

FAQ Category:
Adult's Behaviors

There is no "usual" pathway to someone sexually abusing a child. Each person who sexually abuses a child is motivated by issues unique to that individual. Some adults who sexually abuse children recognize that it is wrong and are deeply unhappy about what they are doing. Other adults mistakenly believe that their behavior is okay.

What causes sexual abuse?

Some adults sexually abuse a child to feel the power and control they don’t feel in their relationships with other adults. This may include low self-esteem and confusion about sexual identities and behaviors, as well as challenges in interacting with peers and anxiety related to intimate relationships (Merry et al., 2020)[3]. These adults often choose to sexually abuse children because they are easier to access and unable to refuse (Bentovim, 1993)[1]. Some other research has found that adults who relate emotionally to children may be at greater risk of acting on sexual impulses toward children or may normalize sexual behaviors with children (Herman, et al., 2017)[2].

Sometimes, adults who have intimate sexual relationships with other adults may sexually abuse children in moments of unusual stress, such as after the loss of a job or during a divorce. Other mental health or substance abuse issues can also contribute to an adult’s sexually abusive behavior with children. Some adults act impulsively when presented with an unexpected opportunity to sexually abuse a child.

Some adults who sexually abuse a child identify a primary sexual attraction to children, but many adult’s diagnosed with pedophilia never act on those feelings. Not every adult who sexually abuses a child is sexually attracted to children, and some of these other causes may come into play.
A majority of child sexual abuse is actually caused my family members, or others close to the child, due to frequency and ease of access. Additionally, youth — many who do not fully understand the harmful impact of their actions — often sexually abuse other children.

Why is understanding the causes of sexual abuse important?

Knowing why people sexually abuse children does not excuse their behavior, but it may help us understand what is happening. Understanding the causes of the behavior can also be helpful information for treatment. Effective treatment programs are available to help prevent and end abusive behavior. No matter what the reason for the abuse, the effects on children are severe and may last a lifetime.

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[1] Bentovim, A. (1993). Why do adults sexually abuse children?. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 307(6897), 144. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.307.6897.144
[2] Hermann, C. A., McPhail, I. V., Helmus, L. M., & Hanson, R. K. (2017). Emotional congruence with children is associated with sexual deviancy in sexual offenders against children. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(12), 1311-1334. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X15620830

[3] Merry, P., Muslihah, N., & Wihastuti, T. A. (2020). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Preventing Residivitism in Pedophilia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Science and Society, 2(3), 86-99.  https://doi.org/10.54783/ijsoc.v2i3.129