Circles of Safety: Training of Trainers

Training of Trainers offers community and youth-serving organizations the training and tools they need to train their own staff and program stakeholders. This program trains organization representatives to be able to facilitate two separate workshops within their organization and to members served by their organization: Understanding the Role of Healthy Sexuality Development and Education in Sexual Abuse Prevention and Understanding and Responding to Warning Signs.

Participants will receive a trainer’s manual and presentation materials. Participants will be eligible for a 3 year certification as a Circles of Safety Community Presenter. Note: Circles of Safety: Awareness to Action is a prerequisite.

Time Commitment: 9 hours over the course of 3 days or an 8 hour/full day training

Setting: Remote Classroom (Virtual)

Recommended Audience: 

  • Youth-serving Program Training Professionals

Training of Trainers (ToT) is offered periodically throughout the year as part of our Virtual Classroom Series. Visit our Virtual Classroom page to see when the next ToT is taking place, how you can register, and other FAQs. Alternatively, you may email training [at] if you wish to schedule a Training of Trainers session for your organization.