Guidelines for submitting a Story of Hope

If you are interested in writing your own Story of Hope, please read the following guidelines: 

  1. As the purpose of these stories is to inspire actions of prevention, healing and recovery specific to child sexual abuse, we ask that you not include details of any harmful acts that may have occurred, but rather focus on the response to the situation and the actions that were taken to prevent harm from occurring and/or keep further harm from occurring in the future – or of healing and recovery. 
  2. These stories are anonymous. Do not include any identifying information about yourself or any other parties involved. 
  3. Please refrain from including any details of a story that might be triggering to readers. 
  4. Stories of Hope are not a confessional opportunity. Stories that are submitted will demonstrate how accountability, communication, safety planning, treatment and/or reporting contributed to helping children stay safe and helping adults keep them safe.

To have your story considered for publication or for further questions, email us at info [at]

There is no guarantee of publication. Stop It Now! staff will review all submissions. By submitting a Story of Hope, you are giving permission for the story to be published anonymously on the Stop It Now! website and to be used in marketing communications.