Why does Stop It Now! reach out to adults who have abused or are at risk of abusing? Are you “offender- friendly”?
Stop It Now!'s early work included conversations with those who had been convicted and incarcerated. They told us that there were many warning signs in their behavior and that if there had been help offered to them to interrupt their thoughts and fantasies, perhaps they would not have abused a child. Additionally, through our Helpline, we hear adults who are indeed at risk to sexually abuse children ask for help, share that they are more likely to hurt themselves than sexually harm a child and want to live healthy, safe and fulfilling lives themselves.
We recognize that an important step to take if we are ever to see the end of sex abuse, is to reach those individuals who are at risk to sexually harm a child but who never have, and are committed to keeping children safe from sexual harm. If these people can find help to get to resources to support them, then a child may be kept safe.
This is primary prevention, and mirrors our stance that a healthy and safe society is only as healthy and safe as the individuals within that society, as well as reflects our stance that all adults should be accountable when it comes to protecting children. By reaching out to adults who pose risks to children, we invite them to act responsibly - for their community and for themselves.
Stop It Now! supports research aimed to help those who experience the urge to sexually abuse children receive the support needed to not engage in these behaviors. We will continue to post the latest research and knowledge on our website, as it becomes available.