
What's OK?

Help for Teens and Young Adults

In 2021, Stop It Now! developed and piloted a groundbreaking and unique new resource for young people with the goal of deterring sexually harmful behaviors. WhatsOK is a website ( and a helpline ( that offers free, confidential support and resources to youth and young adults (ages 14-21) with concerns about their own or a friend’s sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Our goals are to provide safe, relevant, engaging content for young people, and to raise awareness and accessibility of resources and information to support, inform, and engage young people. Funded by the World Childhood Foundation ( since its pilot in 2021, this program continues to develop and reach teens and young adults across the U.S. and around the globe. 

Providing support, resources, and information to young people about sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that may be confusing and concerning is critical in the child sex abuse prevention landscape. By reaching these young people early - to answer their questions, to provide hope and empowerment, and to reduce secrecy and isolation - we are moving closer to creating the safe and healthy environments and relationships we all want and deserve.


Research on WhatsOK

Development and Implementation of a Preventive Intervention for Youth with Concerns About Their Sexual Thoughts and Behaviors: A Practitioner Narrative

Journal of Prevention