
Prevention for Youth-Serving Organizations

Children’s safety in school, camps, sports, and in other extracurricular activities is more likely assured when organizations, staff, and parents learn about the steps and resources they can take to create a safer environment. Providing children with healthy sexuality education and actions they can take for their own body safety are important steps in protection. However, it is crucial that the adults take responsibility in creating a culture of safety to protect children from abuse.

A culture of safety in any youth-serving organization requires an engaged commitment to establishing and training on policies and procedures that address boundaries, supervision, and how to respond to concerns. It means empowering and WELCOMING anyone with a concern about a child’s safety to speak up.

Review our prevention tip sheets to help learn more about what you can do to keep children safe in youth-serving environments and institutions:

Educators and professionals in youth-serving institutions should review Safety in Daycare/Educational Settings to help them assess their current policies.

For additional information and tools to create a Culture of Safety in your organization, see below

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse within Youth-Serving Organizations: Getting Started on Policies and Procedures (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)

A guide published by the Center for Disease and Control and Prevention with information about creating safe environments for children and teens in youth-serving institutions and organizations.

Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct, and Exploitation (SESAME)

Organization dedicated to public awareness and prevention to address sexual safety in educational settings.

Creating Safer Environments for Children (Commit to Kids - Canada)

Resources and tools for creating safe and abuse-free environments for parents and organizations.

Social Media Policy Considerations for Youth Serving Organizations (Gundersen)

Resource to help any organization that serves youth formulate a thoughtful and comprehensive social media policy.